Yoghurt Meringue Oat Bark


What you'll need:

Greek Yoghurt (500g)
Oats (20g)
Blueberries (30g)
Raspberries (30g)
Lees’ Meringue Nests (200g)

What to do:

:cook: Take a piece of baking paper and place directly onto your baking tray, make sure it fills the surface area of the tray.
:strawberry: Next using 500g of greek yoghurt spread evenly on the prepared baking sheet so it fills the shape.
:cook:Now using your Lees’ Meringue Nests crush 200g of the meringue in your hands and carefully place over the layer of yoghurt.
:strawberry:Top with Blueberries, Raspberries and Oats add as much or less as you desire.
:cook: Finally, place in the freezer for a minimum of 1.5 hours until firm.

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